St Mary the Virgin, Maulden

Babies and young children

If you would like to consider having your child baptised you will need to consider a number of things. Baptism involves:  

You and the godparents or sponsors...

  • Thanking God for his gift of life
  • Deciding to start your child on the journey of faith and asking for the support of the Church
  • Joining the Church in expressing your belief in God and praying for your child

Your child...

  • Beginning a journey of faith
  • Becoming a member of the local and worldwide Christian family
  • Sharing in the death and resurrection of Jesus in a symbolic way

The Church...

  • Promising to welcome, support and pray for you and your child
  • Being reminded of the importance of this baptism for every Christian
  • Providing a worshipping community where everyone can grow in faith.

Christians speak of baptism as a sacrament; a visible sign of God’s love. We believe that God loves people of every race, creed or colour. At baptism we are thanking God for the gift of life and acknowledging his love. We are turning away from evil, sin and darkness and turning towards Christ. At the service you will be making some serious decisions on behalf of your child.  

Our Baptism preparation will explain this to you in more detail. All parents receive a pre-Baptism visit and are invited to use the Church as a resource to help fulfil the vows made at the Baptism service. An information sheet is also given to all Parents and Godparents.

Older children, teenagers and adults  

Baptism is not just for babies. Anyone may be baptised at any age, including parents.

Older people are able to understand what this important step in their life means. It is a serious and joyful commitment to God and something which needs caring for. The Church will help you with your growing faith and this is more effectively achieved by attending worship regularly. Adult candidates for Baptism receive a pre-Baptism visit with conversation centred around church commitment and adult belief.

Teenagers and adults do not have godparents but sponsors, who must themselves have been baptised.


Baptisms at St Mary’s Church can take place in a Sunday service or in a private ceremony with Godparents, family and friends present. There is no cost involved whichever service you choose.

The names of all those to be baptised are listed in our pew sheet and prayers for them and their families are encouraged. Each newly Baptised member of the Church is invited to be welcomed during a 9.30am Sunday morning service.

For more information or to arrange an initial discussion, please contact the Rector - see "contact us" page.