St Mary the Virgin, Maulden

        Weekly Pew Sheet

To download the Pew Sheet for 1st December click here 

 The Benefice of Clophill and Maulden

                         Saint Marys Maulden

Sunday 1st December 2024

 Advent Sunday

9.30am Christingle service

We are grateful to Alex Watson for playing for us today

 Hymns           108     419     666     776  

Our service today is being led by the family service team                                    


“House of Prayer”             Wheatlands Close, Harrow Piece

Sick                                        John Denman

From the Memorial book:

                        Alan Charles Holloway 4th December 2006

                        Millicent Bloomfield 5th December 2012

                        Kenneth Jack Grummitt 7th December 2008

                        Angela Joan Chimes 5th December 2021

                        Sybil Mary Odell 8th December 2004

                        Clive Arthur Franklin 8th December 2005           

In the parishes

Sun                  Our church wardens

Mon                 Members of the prayer chain

Tues                All those supporting the local foodbanks

Weds               Maulden Players

Thurs               All who run and attend the sewing group

Fri                    All who work at Clophill Co-op

Sat                   All those helping with the maintenance of the church

Charities supported by our Benefice

The Jigsaw club, Clophill Food Hub, MacMillan cancer care, Dollah from Malawi. Sponsored child with Plan international. Christian Aid & Marie Curie.                     

Any youngsters here today who would like to take part in the Nativity on Christmas Eve please give your details to Marjorie.

Please could anyone holding a Children’s Society charity box please bring to church for emptying and counting. Thank you for your continued suppor                                              

 The week ahead 

Monday 2nd December      10am “House of Prayer” (Zoom 

Tuesday 3rd December     Open the book 

Weds 4th December           10am Morning Prayer (Maulden)

                                                2pm Sewing group (Church Hall              

Thursday 5th December    2 – 3pm TLC (Clophill) in the church

                                                 2pm Home Group (Maulden                                          Sunday 8th December       9.30am Sung Communion  

                                            ST. MARY’S PRAYER TEAM:

If you require prayers for any situation, then please call the prayer team. All requests for prayer are treated in confidence. WE CAN HELP, PLEASE CALL 840102

Churchwarden (Clophill)  Mrs Anne Shegog                    864868

Churchwarden (Clophill)  Mrs Angela Barker                   868685

Churchwarden (Maulden) Mrs Sue New                            750632

Rector:              Current Vacancy                                       

Website and Contact details

Clophill –

Maulden –

Maulden – all enquiries currently to:

Sue New - 07899 852669 or                                            

Notices & Dates for your diary

There will be no Sunday 8am services until further notice

Thank you to everyone who helped with the leaf clearing in the churchyard yesterday

Christian Aid Boxes

Could anyone with a Christian Aid charity box please bring to church for counting as soon as possible. Thank you.

 Diary Dates

December 12th Senior Citizens Christmas Afternoon Tea Party

December 14th/15th Christmas Tree Festival

December 19th 7pm Carols by Candlelight

December 24th 4pm Nativity Service

Christmas Tree Festival 14th & 15th December 11am – 4pm

Any design or style of decoration but it does need a name.

Entries are £2.00 per tree.  Entry forms are available at the back of the church or from Sue New

Voting forms will be available on the 14th and 15th Dec

The trees with the most votes will be announced and prizes awarded during the Carols by Candlelight Service

Nativity Service Tuesday 24th December 4pm

Calling anyone who would like to take part.  Please contact us and leave your details.  Further information will be sent out soon.

    Churchyard maintenance

    If you can help for an hour or two with any general tidying, please contact us.  Every hour will make a difference and will be gratefully received.

    Sue and David