St Mary the Virgin, Maulden

Those who have been Baptised may be Confirmed once they are old enough to renew for themselves the promises made for them at their Baptism by their parents and godparents. It is usual for people only to be admitted to Holy Communion once they have made that affirmation of faith and received Confirmation.

Confirmation usually takes place at a service of Holy Communion at which the Bishop presides. He will use the opportunity of the sermon to talk to the candidates about the responsibilities of adult Christian life and they will then make their public profession of faith. The Bishop prays that the Holy Spirit will come upon those who are to be confirmed. They kneel before the Bishop, who lays his hands on the head of each, saying:

"Confirm, O Lord, your servant with your Holy Spirit"

Or he might use this longer prayer:

"Defend, O Lord, this thy servant with thy heavenly grace, that (s)he may continue thine for ever and daily increase in thy Holy Spirit more and more, until (s)he comes unto thine everlasting kingdom".

If the Bishop uses the shorter prayer, a version of the longer one is said by the whole congregation.

The service often continues with a celebration of the Holy Communion, where the newly Confirmed join in receiving the sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Confirmation services are held regularly throughout the year at various local churches, including at St. Mary’s in Maulden, depending on the numbers of candidates being Confirmed.

If you have any queries or you are interested in exploring the possibility of Confirmation please contact one of the Church Wardens - see Contacts page